Friday, 19 August 2016

Typing Tutor

I have been learning to type with two hands.
Every morning I have been on typing tutor practising.
At the moment I am working on the punctuation keys.
Something I have found hard is the punctuation keys.
I want to get faster at typing.


  1. Hi there, my name is isaac and I am a student in Kauri Class at Yaldhurst Model School. I really like your typing. It made me think of the typing we do in my class.

    Have you thought about doing the test and then doing a before shot and an afterwards shot. Then everyone could see how you have improved .

    1. Hi Isaac my name is Blake, thank you for your idea of adding a before and after shot. What are you learning to do in your typing?

  2. Hi Blake, it's Coby here. I really like how you have put all of the skils that you have been practising. What stage are you on?
    From Coby


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