Wednesday, 5 June 2019



  1. For one of our activitys we had to make a timeline showing progress in our area.

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  4. Hi my name is Robbie I'm a year 8 and attend Gisborne Intermediate School. I like the way you put all the effort into your timeline you did.
    My tipuna was Paikea, he arrived in New Zealand around 1200.
    Ka pai

  5. Kia ora my name is Turanga, and I go to Gisborne Intermediate. I like how you clearly stated the arrival of the maori. We have also been learning about the timeline and early settlers. My whakapapa show that our tipuna arrived on the Horouta waka around 800 years ago.
    Ka pai

  6. Kia Ora my name is Jaeda, I currently go to Gisborne Intermediate as a year 8 student. I liked the way you planned your timeline and effort you put into it.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment..